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Frank J. Brown, J.D., LL.M


As the current owner of Watson Brown, Frank began his practice transition expertise in 1989 when he began providing Texas dentists and their families’ professional guidance on selling or buying a dental office. Graduating with a Business Degree from Arizona State University, Frank went on to earn his law degree from the University of Arkansas and earned his Master of Laws in taxation from Southern Methodist University School of Law. As a broker and tax attorney, Frank provides council to buyers and sellers before, during, and after their transitions while also drafting documents and valuing dental practices.

Frank has worked extensively with local troops of the Boy Scouts of America in positions as Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chairman and fund-raising chairman for high adventure activities. Brown has enjoyed taking scouts to Philmont Scout Ranch, is an Eagle Scout and has two sons who are Eagle Scouts.

Brown enjoys family outings with his wife Jennifer and their five children. He enjoys golfing any day of the week and one of his real treats is to get out and wet a line fly fishing. Frank has an ever-present sense of adventure and zest for life. He is always up for telling or hearing a funny story, participating in a crazy adventure, and trying new things, including wearing outlandish snake-skin loafers and dressing up like a mountain man!